
Developing a limited edition design for the WM 2018 that stays within the framework of the Corporate Identity.



In order to take advantage of the football hype the design was altered with the use of a ball, confetti, and dynamic lines that give the scene the allusion of a ball in motion.

This design can be seen on the lid as well as the front side of the packaging. The next design aspect would be the blue ribbon that is wrapped gracefully

around the container, waving above the delicious ingredients portrayed as an appetizer on the front of the packaging as well as the lid. The different types of

salad are typographically depicted on the blue ribbon with a contrasting white that really pops out at you. In addition to the above mentioned typographical portrayal,

the varying types of salads correlate with a certain color. Last but not least, the blue banderole was changed in order to give it a sporty type feel for the WM.



Launch: May 2018

Roll-Out: June 2018 | 20 Products