Design development for a sparkling wine bottle. The requirement for the design language was to develop a composition that was both classic and modern and would thus be suitable for the 'bocksbeutel' bottle shape.
The launch of a new Silvaner in a 'bocksbeutel' bottle as part of the Wertheimer Tauberklinge brand.
Launch: 2010
Roll-Out: October 2010
Design relaunch of the wine sort
„Jungen Frank‘n“.
The cooperative wine growers association of Frankonia had produced a new white wine line in 2005 under the trade mark „Jungen Frank‘n“, which quickly prevailed in the wine
market segment. But the „Jungen Frank‘n“, also should look like young Franconians in future.
The challenge was, to find a young, fresh design especially for the Bocksbeutel-format, which simultaneously clearly differentiates in colour within the assortment, depending on the sort of grape.
Design development for 0,75, 0,3
and Bocksbeutel-bottles.
Roll-Out: 3 bottles, Oct. 2010
Creative Direction by Syndicate Brand & Corporate Design AG
The development of a new brand name that emphasises the exclusivity of the wine. Design development from classic to modern for 3 red wine and 5 white wine labels. Plus the idea and design development for the sales promotional P.O.S. measures and a sales folder.
Design development of a 6-page sales folder that portrays the quality of the product range at a glance.
For in-store sales, we developed P.O.S. materials (tops, ceiling pendants, shelf flags) that draw the consumers' attention to the new product range.
Thanks to a combination of excellent locations and modern wine-refining techniques, the Franken winemakers' co-operative has created a new premium wine range consisting of 8 different varieties. Edeka will exclusively market this in Germany.
To supplement the introduction of the new Rebensart, we developed sales promotional materials based on the new design.
Roll-Out: Oct. 2010
Products: 8